
Primary School Learning

The Years K-6 curriculum includes all Australian Curriculum syllabus areas: English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, History, Geography, Creative Arts (Music, Visual Art, Drama and Dance), and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE).


These areas are complemented by Hebrew and Jewish Studies, which all children learn from Years K-6. The development of a strong Jewish identity is an essential aspect of education at ÀóÖ¦ÊÓƵapp, which remains at the forefront of Hebrew and Jewish Studies teaching in New South Wales.


Technology is an integral part of daily life at Emanuel, with interactive whiteboards, iPads, computers and a wide range of technologies used seamlessly in the classroom.


Core subjects are taught by class teachers, while specialist teachers deliver the curriculum in Hebrew, Jewish Studies, Music, Art, Drama, Physical Education and Library.


Our teachers are supported by Harvard University’s Teaching for Understanding (TfU) and Visible Thinking programs. These have resulted in the development of programs focused upon deepening student understanding. Our teaching and learning programs provide the students with opportunities to transfer their knowledge to new situations and to use their learned skills in applied circumstances. The Harvard University Cultures of Thinking project has seen an increased focus upon the students’ thinking and learning processes, not just on their final outcomes. Teachers use a variety of strategies to allow for a deeper understanding of how our students think and learn.



Educate A Child According To The Child’s Path

Proverbs 22:6
חנוך לנער על פי דרכו - Chanoch La Naar Al-Piy Darcho

Welcome from the Principal
